‘Doomsday Clock’ countdown still at 3 minutes to midnight, closest since 1984

The countdown to global catastrophe remained at three minutes to midnight, scientists announced Tuesday, warning the planet was still perilously close to experiencing a disaster.

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which sets the hands of a metaphorical Doomsday Clock, announced the countdown would stay at the position it reached last year. It’s the closest the clock has been to midnight, or a catastrophic event, since the height of the Cold War in 1984.

The nonprofit determines the clock’s position after analyzing threats to human existence, particularly nuclear weapons and climate change. Only once have the hands ever been closer to midnight, a seven-year stretch during the 1950s following the world’s first hydrogen bomb tests.

In a statement, the Bulletin hailed the Iran nuclear deal and Paris Agreement on climate change, both of which were approved last year, as “major diplomatic achievements,” though said they “constitute only small bright spots in a darker world situation full of potential for catastrophe.”

The Bulletin said the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the formal name for the deal that restricts Iran’s ability to develop atomic weapons, was overshadowed by rising tensions between Russia and the United States, both of whom are modernizing their nuclear arsenals, and the fact that China, Pakistan, India and North Korea are working to bolster their atomic capabilities.

The Bulletin called the Paris Agreement, a pledge signed by nearly 200 countries that aims to reduce carbon emissions and keep global temperatures from reaching long-feared levels, another important development. But the scientists noted it’s still not clear exactly how the nations will meet that goal, and the agreement was signed during the hottest year on record.

The scientists also cited ongoing conflicts in the Ukraine and Syria in their statement.

“The world situation remains highly threatening to humanity, and decisive action to reduce the danger posed by nuclear weapons and climate change is urgently required,” the Bulletin said.

The Bulletin was founded in 1945 by scientists who helped builds the world’s first atomic bomb. It established the Doomsday Clock two years later, and decides where to set its hands each year.

The clock can be moved back if the global outlook improves, and moved up if it worsens.

The closest the clock has ever been to midnight was from 1953-59, when the Bulletin said the world was only two minutes from doomsday following the hydrogen bomb tests. Conversely, the clock reached a record 17 minutes to midnight from 1991-94 after the Cold War subsided.

The clock was set at five minutes to midnight in 2012, but the Bulletin adjusted it last year because of climate change and nuclear weapons. In Tuesday’s statement, the Bulletin expressed “dismay” that world leaders had still not taken more aggressive steps to address those issues.

“When we call these dangers existential, that is exactly what we mean: They threaten the very existence of civilization and therefore should be the first order of business for leaders who care about their constituents and their countries,” the Bulletin said in its statement.

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons echoed those calls.

“The Bulletin’s warning should be taken seriously by world leaders,” the campaign’s executive director, Beatrice Fihn, said in a statement.“The risk of use of nuclear weapons is on the rise. If a nuclear weapon was detonated, the effects would be devastating and the international community would be unable to cope with the aftermath. The status quo is no longer an option.”

God is Not the Author of Confusion

Here it is, the Christmas season, and though it is a time of family gathering and festivity everywhere, there is a solemnity that many are feeling… like a calm before a huge storm.  Something is about to happen that will shake our world and test our faith.  I believe that what’s coming will either result in a ‘falling away’ or a ‘getting closer’ to God in the next few months.

2012 is a year unparalleled in the amount of speculation about some soon-coming calamity.  Books have been written, movies made and a great deal of talk shows produced in efforts to get a glimpse into the projected events of 2012.  Will the world end?  Will some cataclysmic event destroy our planet?  Will millions perish of some world-wide pandemic?  Will volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters rearrange our world’s landscape?

What can we know for sure about this highly anticipated apocalyptic year? 

Some people go to psychics, some go to the scientific community, some to the writings of ancient civilizations to determine what will happen to our world in 2012.  As for me, I go to the Word of God, the Bible – that ancient text authored by God himself through his holy people.  Then I go to the Lord in prayer and listen for His voice.  That’s the voice we can trust and the Bible the final authority.  The Lord said “my sheep hear my voice,” and I know that to be true.

As a watchman of the Lord, he has given me several specific words for 2012.  The first and most outstanding  word is “CONFUSION.”  2012 will be a year of confusion beyond anything we have ever experienced before in our nation and in our world, not just confusion, but mass confusion.

Yet, the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that “God is not the author of confusion…”  The Church, that Body of Believers that are born again and listening to His voice, should NOT be confused!  If God is not the author of confusion, that means it’s coming from satan.  The spirit of the anti-christ is disorder.

It’s almost ironic that 12 is the Biblical number for perfect order, just exactly the opposite of confusion.  God needs His Church to be in full force and in divine order so that we can be winning souls in the midst of a confused world.  The Church will be the new ‘ark’ in the confusing days ahead.  This could be the last full year we have to get our house in order and to get prepared for what’s coming!

In 2012, confusion is going to manifest in uncertainties, misunderstandings, good being spoken of as evil, disorder and turmoil of every kind.   If ever there was a time to “know what we know,” it’s now.  It’s time to get in the Word, because deception is coming!  The Word of God is truth and it leaves no room for bewilderment or perplexity.  It will dispel any darkness with its Light!

The Lord told me that first, there would be a great earthquake in Japan, and then total collapse of the world’s economy.  I can’t tell you the day, I can’t tell you the month or the week, but I can tell you that an economic collapse is imminent. 

Get your house ready and get your Church ready to be that ark of safety as the confusion swirls all around.  Be fully persuaded in your heart and in your mind that you will be steadfast and sure because the Word of God lives within you, and you know His voice.  This is going to be a year of soul winning because those who know God’s voice will have wisdom to guide them and love to sustain them.  They will not be confused – but instead, they will be steadfast and sure.  Jesus is coming soon and we are looking for Him!

God loves YOU, He really does!

The Coming Apocalypse

The signs of the end times are all around us.

The recent earthquake in Japan is presenting an abundance of end-time catastrophes that will ripple through the entire world.  Our country is certain to be impacted by the economic crises these events have triggered.  Already they are closing auto manufacturing plants that are dependent on Japanese supply chains which have broken down.  I believe this earthquake in Japan is going to trigger an economic meltdown worldwide.

A dear friend and prophet, Bob Hartley, brought a message recently about five supernatural waves that will impact our nation, and the first of these is an economic wave.  That wave is about to overtake us!  We must be prepared!

In 1998, my book “PROSPERITY and the COMING APOCALYPSE” was published.  Even as I was in the process of writing the book, I felt like the Lord was saying that although it was noteworthy information for the year 1998, it would be much more received in a future time, a time when people everywhere were seeking answers for the turmoil in our world.  I believe that time is now.  This is not just a book of prophecy, it is a book of survival.  It is available in our online store or by calling 1(888)988-1588.

“PROSPERITY and the COMING APOCALYPSE” addresses such issues as:

  • Why I believe a coming world economic collapse will lead to terrorism and possibly war.
  • How recent weather patterns, violent tornadoes, and earthquakes are just the beginning of a world out of control.
  • When and why meteors will hit the earth, causing massive, unprecedented destruction.
  • What Christians ought to be spending their time, energy, and resources doing in these “last days”.
  • How to have hope in the face of difficult times and survive the coming apocalypse.

In the days ahead, you may be stripped of everything you have ever held dear.  You may lose your money, your home, your material possessions, your career, your spouse or other family members.  Please do not be dismayed.  I have been through the stripping and I can tell you that the Savior will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter how dark or difficult the days ahead.

God will take care of us through the coming apocalypse and beyond!  And we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!



The Four Horses of the Apocalypse are Riding Now

Revelation events are happening one right after another such as wars, earthquakes and tsunamis around the world. The world has looked on as Japan has experienced what newscasters call a biblical event of epic proportion.

Every day, we are rapidly moving deeper into the Revelation Days, the days the Bible refers to as the Last Days. Paul declares in 2 Timothy Chapter 3:1-4 “This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” I know you have to agree with me that everything Paul says here is happening right now! Continue reading