Master’s Media 2013 Graduation Ceremony

This was a very special day on Grace Street as five students were honored after completing a two-year program in Morningside Master’s Media School of Broadcasting. Friends and family came from near and far to watch as their loved ones received honors.

Harmony Hayes received certificates for Producing and Vocal Performance; Brandon White received certificates for Directing and Lighting; Jonathan Moore received certificates for Camera Operation and Creative Food Design; Jillian Flischel received certificates for Camera Operation and Stage Operation; and Melody Hayes received certificates for Camera Operation and Web Development.

Caleb Gordon opened this special edition of the Jim Bakker Show by doing a stellar job of announcing. Zach Drew, the Vice President and Director of Morningside Master’s Media and the co-host and announcer of the daily Jim Bakker Show, shared how this was what the school is all about – discipling the students in media. Zach was very proud of the job Caleb was doing.

Zach said there will be new students coming in two weeks and the Master’s Media school will approximately double!

Pastor Jim Bakker, Chancellor, shared a NOW word with the class. The word NOW is in the Bible 1,355 times. If God says something once, it’s important, twice, it’s very important, and three times is very, very important! So, the word NOW is an amazing word that God chose to use to convey the importance and the urgency of events and directives He defined in His Word.

Pastor Jim and Lori gave each student a gift of an antique camera to commemorate the occasion.

Pastor Jim told a story of how, as a young preacher of just twenty-one years old, he had given an altar call. A young man had left the service and told an usher on his way out that he knew he should have gone forward, but he put it off by saying he would go another time. He died that night in a car wreck. Pastor Jim’s message was that NOW is the time to listen and obey the voice of God.

This is the NOW time for the graduates.

“Esther came to the kingdom for such a time is this. If you say no, God will call someone else to fill in your spot, but wouldn’t it be better to answer the call, the tugging at your heart, to do what God is asking of you?”

Pastor Jim shared that this is one of the best places to build a resume. When you graduate other schools, you may have a degree, but with this school you have a resume. Job placement is easy when you actually have “on the job” training.

Harmony and Caleb sang a song that was made famous by BeBe and CeCe Winans on the PTL broadcasts, “Lord Lift Us Up Where We Belong,” to a rousing applause.

Pastor Jim prophesied to Harmony: “I’m so moved that you have no idea of your destiny. The enemy has tried to kill, beat and destroy you but you have come through so many experiences, and what you have come through God will use through you to heal other people. You have the voice of an angel. You hit notes nobody else have ever thought of – you are called of God to lead. You’re going to go on!” He then announced she has been appointed as Assistant Producer of the Jim Bakker Show.

He continued, “to be a leader, you first have to be a disciple.” Harmony then relayed her experience of being exhausted during the Fourth of July week. But on the last day, she was ministered to by many others and considered it the highlight of her week. Her message was, “when you feel like you can’t do it any more, just keep stepping because that’s when your blessing is coming!

Pastor Lori shared how she sometimes gets tiring doing the Lord’s work (just “keeping it real!) She said, “Sometimes I want to give up too! But no matter how hard the fight is, don’t grow weary in well-doing, in due season you will reap!” Lori relayed her feeling last night of wanting to sell everything and go back home where the sun shines (Phoenix) because she is tired of dealing with all the STUFF. Thankfully, that feeling passed and Pastor Lori and Pastor Jim are right back doing what they are called to do: reaching the lost, discipling young people and preparing a generation for the Lord’s return.

Brandon White told a story of being in aviation school and quitting right before he came to Morningside Master’s Media. Pastor Jim then said that running the show is like flying a 747, to which Brandon replied, “Directing the Jim Bakker Show is scarier than flying a 747!” Mondo de la Vega is the show’s senior director and mentors Brandon – disciplining him when he misses a shot, etc. They share another commonality: before becoming involved with the Jim Bakker Show, they were both in inner-city gangs where drugs and violence were routine. They both recalled how different their lives would have been without Pastor Jim and Lori’s influence and mentorship.

Andrew Lietzen, the school’s President, selected a gift: a clock inscribed with “Now is the Time,” from Romans 13:11. He continued, “Media never sleeps, we are a generation that consumes media.”

Pastor Lori ministered Joshua 1:8,9 to all the students; “Always remember what is written in the Book of the Teachings. Study it day and night to be sure to obey everything that is written there. If you do this, you will be wise and successful in everything. Remember that I commanded you to be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid, because the Lord your God will be with you everywhere you go.”

Zach Drew addressed the students to encourage them. He said that there would be good and bad moments to learn from. He emphasized that they were a part of something bigger than themselves, “These two years you have been a part of an international ministry, a part of starting something that will change this generation. It’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish. You have to continue! First Corinthians 9:24-27 says that many run, but only one gets the prize. If you continue in strict training, you will receive a crown that will last forever.”

Zach continued, “Do these things: continue to be strategic; remind yourself daily of goals; never stop learning; keep fighting good fight, keep running the race as to win it; always say yes to God!”

Tammy Sue sang “Now is the Time for You” and Pastor Jim reminded them that this is not just a song, it’s a proclamation. He then prayed for all the students.

Harmony and Caleb ended this very special edition of the Jim Bakker Show with the song, “Still.”

We are very proud of each and every Morningside Master’s Media student. This week, they will lead a “Back to School Bash” in our local community, distributing school supplies to the less fortunate. This is real ministry. These are real kids showing the love of God through action.

Joining the Bread of Life Club supports the ministry of our Morningside Master’s Media school. You may also order the Generation NOW Volume 1 DVD Set; sponsor an individual student in our Student Builders Club; or give a donation to the school in the Love Gifts section of our website or by calling 1-888-988-1588.

2 thoughts on “Master’s Media 2013 Graduation Ceremony

  1. O Wow! I’m so glad to see what great things the LORD has wrought! Young people, as well as old, taking a stand for Jesus and using their talents to go out and win the lost to the glory of God in Christ Jesus! Praise God! A resume with hands on training trumps every kind of diploma every time. Hallelujah!
    I made Jesus the Lord of my life in 1982 because a young preacher by the name of Jim Bakker bravely proclaimed to his television audience by the Holy Spirit, these powerful words of our Lord Jesus that determine where you will spend eternity: “I never knew you!”
    Jim said, ask me for a Bible. I put him to the test. He sent me a beautiful leather bound King James Bible that contained a study course within its pages.
    People began to ask me where I went to Bible college; I told them about the Bible Jim Bakker sent me free of charge.
    Now I come back to Jim Bakker, and students, with this proclamation, an important truth gleaned from the pages of that same Bible study:
    Congratulations! A crown awaits you on the other side of your labors, for the harvest truly is plentiful and the laborers are few. One day soon, we will cast our crowns at the feet of the LORD of the harvest and the King of kings: the lover of our soul. We will enter into His glory and shine like the stars of heaven forever. Daniel 12:3 It begins now, it begins here with us, in Jesus’ name. O Hallelujah!

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