Spiritual preparation tops Shorey’s list of 10 keys to survival

John Shorey speaks during a survival seminar on Grace Street on Wednesday morning. Photo: Austin Metcalf

Given that John Shorey spent an entire hour discussing food security only two days ago, it would be logical to think the subject tops the long-time prepper’s list of survival tips for the last days.

It’s not even in the top three.

Shorey, the author of “The Window of the Lord’s Return” and “Unlocking the Mystery of the Book of Revelation,” is at Morningside this week to host preparation seminars, giving those gathered on Grace Street and watching the ministry’s livestream some of his expert advice on how they and their families can get ready for the trials and tribulations that the Bible foretells.

His address on Wednesday morning was called “The Preppers’ Top 10 Keys to Survival,” and followed Monday morning’s talk on food security. Shorey spoke of the importance of having food, water and shelter, but the No. 1 item on his list wasn’t anything that could be purchased.

It was spiritual preparation.

The reason? The other items on Shorey’s list covered tips that pertained to survival on Earth, while Shorey said being spiritually ready is a vital component of ensuring eternal life in heaven.

“What is this all about?” Shorey said to those sitting in the Grace Street studio audience. “It’s not about us just getting to heaven and barely making it with the shirt on our back. No, it’s about making it and bringing others with us. That’s what it’s all about. I like to look at it from the standpoint that everyone you win for Christ in the last days are going to be your friends forever.”

Shorey said it would be “a shame” for someone to have enough physical items to allow them to survive until the rapture only to be left behind because they had not spiritually prepared.

He called on audience members to make amends with those who were angry with them, and not hold their own grudges as they worked to win lost souls and perform God’s will in the last days.

“Without spiritual preparation, many will not make it,” Shorey warned.

Shorey’s seminar echoed one of his messages from Monday’s talk about food security, during which he said the measure of one’s preparedness is how many people they will be able to assist.

All of the items he mentioned Wednesday included some component of helping others.

The No. 2 item on his list was location, and he shared his advice about where to live in the last days. He said rural locations were ideal, and he would avoid cities, coastal areas or communities on known fault lines, citing prophetic warnings about various disasters affecting those areas.

“No matter where you live, the safest place for you to be is in the center of God’s will,” Shorey told those in the audience. “If God is saying to stay where you’re at, God has a purpose in it.”

Shelter ranked third, with Shorey advocating for self-sufficient locations that can function without municipal water or electricity. He said the shelters should be able to accommodate groups, and people should have a plan to expand them with additional beds, if the need arises.

Food was fourth, and Shorey encouraged people to store a ton of beans, rice and wheat and 1,000 pounds of oatmeal. He called them “power foods” because of their shelf life and versatility.

“Think of how many people you could help if you have those commodities,” he said.

Water ranked fifth, with Shorey advocating for a well and a backup supply, should that fail. He also encouraged people to have plenty of filtration devices to weed out potential contaminants.

Security and community ranked sixth and seventh, with Shorey saying that people need to have a way to protect their shelters around the clock. He said there was “strength in numbers,” and also suggested supplementing their security efforts with high-tech devices like motion sensors.

Energy, communication and first aid rounded out the top 10, and Shorey suggested people have solar-powered generators, CB, HAM or shortwave radios and methods of preventing illnesses.

Shorey said while preparation was an important part of survival, faith also played a major role.

“Don’t put your faith in your preparation,” he said. “Put your faith in God. I’ve heard it said that if you share, God will see that you have enough. But if you’re putting your faith in what you have done, you’re in trouble. It’ll run out. The house might burn down, the thieves will come in and steal it. The most important part of preparation is making sure you’re right with your Father.”

He said faith can help ensure security, but cautioned against not taking proactive steps.

“We don’t want to be presumptuous,” he said.

Shorey is scheduled to give a “Last-Minute Prepping” seminar at 11 a.m. tomorrow on Grace Street. It will be live-streamed on jimbakkershow.com/watch-us-live and the PTL Television Network on Roku.

5 thoughts on “Spiritual preparation tops Shorey’s list of 10 keys to survival

  1. I truly hope that you are planning on doing a DVD set of these talks that John Shorey is doing. If not I would like to encourage you to consider it. Due to a family emergency and computer issues I am unable to sit down and watch the presentations live.

    Thank you for your time.

  2. I couldn’t agree more with everything that he stated above! I can’t add any more than what Shorey and the Lord had spoken to me personallyabout the same thing a few years ago; that is, about making sure that we don’t put our “faith” in the very “things” that we store up; but rather, put our “faith” in the “One” who provides for these very “things” in the first place; that being God Himself and his Son Jesus Christ!

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